
Ethical Fashion Hackathon: Framework for a Fair Fashion Industry

Ethical Fashion Hackathon: Framework for a Fair...

The fashion industry is producing too much too often and we took part in the Ethical Fashion Hackathon to join forces with like minded ethical fashion pioneers to find a...

Ethical Fashion Hackathon: Framework for a Fair...

The fashion industry is producing too much too often and we took part in the Ethical Fashion Hackathon to join forces with like minded ethical fashion pioneers to find a...

Garment Workers Hung Out To Dry

Garment Workers Hung Out To Dry

7 years on from the Rana Plaza collapse, COVID-19 has exposed the unchanged cut-throat profit maximising policies of large western fashion brands. Brands could unilaterally cancel up to $20 billion...

Garment Workers Hung Out To Dry

7 years on from the Rana Plaza collapse, COVID-19 has exposed the unchanged cut-throat profit maximising policies of large western fashion brands. Brands could unilaterally cancel up to $20 billion...